The Maniacle Messner Fitness Fanatics participate in the Gretna Gritty
Pictures from some of our HIIT Sessions
Weekly schedule
Our weekly schedule is as follows:
Monday’s 7pm Strength and Tabata class: full body workout followed by a Tabata cardio session. All fitness levels accommodated. $20. RSVP Required.
Wednesday 6:30pm HIIT class: join us for a High Intensity Interval Training session that accommodates all fitness levels. $10. RSVP Required.
Saturday HIIT class. 8am. All fitness levels welcome. $10
Saturday Train with the Trainers Arm workout. 9:15am. Guys and girls are you looking for great arms for those summer shirts? Join us Saturday mornings for a great one hour arm workout. All fitness levels welcome. $10 RSVP Required.
We offer small group and individual training sessions daily.
Contact us for more information: 717-319-7052
Kathys squat 255×3
Squatting Video – Click to View
535 X 3. Squats weren’t hard but I am trying a new bar position on my back and the bar was shifting and hurting my balance a little. The new bar position definitely takes stress off my elbows though which is what I was after.
Post Training Agility Work
Saturday Morning HIIT class
They just arrived. If you placed an order…..come on in and pick it up!